My husband and I got ALL of the vaccines, and we also got Covid. I will say that it wasn’t horrible, and lasted about 3 days. I’ve felt a lot worse from the flu. Still, I think we were given a lot of false expectations, especially early on.

We aren’t sorry we got the boosters, and if it turns into a yearly thing (like flu vaccines), we’ll probably do it. I was never someone who got flu vaccines every year. If it was convenient, then fine; otherwise, oh well. But one year I got extremely sick. It was a year when a lot of people were getting flu and then contracting pneumonia. I was so sick, I was scared. I’m just not willing to take the risk of not getting my annual flu shot now. And, so far, I haven’t been persuaded against getting a Covid booster. 🤷‍♀️

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My bias is new technology bias....I don't buy new generation technology cars/computers/TVs etc. I wouldn't put new technology in my body. It seems to have worked for me. This vaccine in my opinion hasn't been tested nearly enough to take it. I am also healthy and thought I could take the covid hit. I got delta in November of 2021. It was a flu. I now have natural immunity so I plan to never get a covid vaccine as a result of having this natural immunity. I call that science bias. I also have seen too many "weird" post vax stories in my healthcare practice that I have experienced only since covid. And having treated the same "population make up" for 20+ years, I have an anecdotal bias which tells me this is a dangerous option for something that has a high rate of recovery. I also will not be taking a flu vaccine now that I know they mix up a few strains, inject you, and hope for the best. I call this knowledge bias. It's funny how our biases work!

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Spot on David. Excellent biases to consider when making investment decisions, along with confirmation bias.

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Likely just post-Covid brain fog…

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Ever hear of Len Bias? Gifted basketball star who suffered a fatal heart attack after cocaine overdose when he was but 23.

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Wonderful post. We also have to consider the possibility that the most powerful bias that guides our Covid related choices (all of our choices?) is derived from our own personality. That each of us is hardwired to have a certain mindset and make certain choices, or at least be more likely to make certain choices. It is that bias that creates the context for our ultimate response to the many circumstantial and sometimes contradictory bias's that you laid out for us (very thoughtfully laid out!). Great reading. Thanks!

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Interesting! Talk about bias's. When I read the post, I read it not as you wrote it, but as you meant to write it. I never saw the mistake and it never interfered with my understanding what you meant to say!

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Glad to hear you're feeling better.

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