May 18, 2023Liked by david roberts

As always, David, beautifully expressed. I can't wait to read what happens to you when you hold a grandchild. I suspect it will be wise to skip the handkerchief and just bring a roll of paper towels.

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May 18, 2023Liked by david roberts

“Tradition triumphing over adversity”. Wow! This is a beautiful read Sir. Thank You for always eloquently “challenging my thinking”. You have become one of my favorite writers.

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O how lovely

your cautious

yet life bringing


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May 18, 2023Liked by david roberts

I wonder if you spent any part of your childhood standing next to you father or grandfather in temple as the cantor chanted the Jewish prayers. I know for me those experiences are ingrained in my memory and every time I hear the traditional liturgy recited, as at the wedding, I feel the spiritual strength of the moment. Honestly- I think you’d be a great Rabbi!

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I never had those experiences. I wish I had. So, I have to imagine other generations doing so or in the case of my maternal grandfather imagining how he was brought up going to temple.

Your experience shows the power of those early impressions.

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May 18, 2023Liked by david roberts

Such a beautiful piece! I too reject the thought all happens for a reason. It’s nothing anyone could know or verify. I also don’t think we deserve happiness. Because where is the place to go file a claim if we don’t get it? A lot of life is completely random and we live it forwards and read into it backwards looking as we walk forward. It’s frightening at times. Congratulations on your sons wedding. Sounds like it was beyond beautiful.

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May 18, 2023Liked by david roberts

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

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May 20, 2023Liked by david roberts

Wow. Firstly, congratulations to you and your family. As a father, i truly loved your description of your visceral and emotional response to the event. I , and I’m sure many other fathers, experienced the same type of reawakening or reconnection with our roots at different moments along our path. I know that feeling well. I felt it at my sons birth, my daughters wedding, my fathers death. Still not sure whether it’s a spiritual, religious or traditional connection but as history has shown our roots are our roots. No denying that. Thanks for the beautiful read. And Mazel Tov

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