My wife and I have been playing a word game called Codenames that we find works best with six to ten people, divided into two teams. Every time we play, there’s a lot of laughter and in-game drama.
Full disclosure: it’s hard not to really, really want to win this game so there’s inevitably some temporary tension and frustration.
We play with friends and family. It’s a simple game to learn, a hard game to master.
Basically, on each team there’s a clue-giver of one word clues to teammates who need to guess which of the 25 one word cards laid out on the table the clue-giver is hinting at. Only the two clue-givers can see a grid revealing which of the 25 cards are theirs and which are their opponents.
So, to use a simple example, if the clue-giver sees on the board that two of their team’s words are Saturn and Mars, the clue-giver might say “planets-2.” The “2” means the team should try to guess two words.
Hard to explain, but I promise, after one game, you’ll get it.
The team that gets all their clues right first wins.
Bottom line: Codenames is a great way to have fun in real life.
Not if you’re the worst clue giver ever...David.
thanks to you and your wife we are addicted to decrypted..we added a twist. if the losing team can actually guess the words of the winning team it is adraw.