Jul 11, 2023Liked by david roberts

I just watched “The big short “. Your analysis seems sound to me.

Can human nature change? I don’t think so. However, there could be an event that is unforeseen that shift expected events.

Does the housing market still under-ride the economy?

What’s your take?

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Housing likely to contribute to the issue in my view.

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The homeless don't invest and investors who pull out will feel homeless. No?

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I couldn’t agree more. I think you left out one thing IMHO. Real estate. I think in several places is dramatically overpriced and could contribute greatly to your scenario

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Good point!

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For a short few years in my youth (without comment as to whether it was well spent), I was a stock broker. For perspective, it was the early '70s. There was an analyst who used to write a quick assessment at the end of each day, as to why the market moved the way it did that day. In the end, the best explanation was that there were more buyers than sellers, or more sellers than buyers, that day. I came to see the market as irrational, in that a stock's price was not connected to how well the company was doing. If, for example, Apple continues to offer and successfully sell new products, but external factors turn investors into pessimists, Apple shares will fall from the trees even while Apple is healthy. 50 years later, is that not true?

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may have liked but more for the way you move from one genre to other in posts ie more topical to personal and with a certain calm assuranvce not that i necessarily agree with the scenarios. sure, any president is liable to lose votes from economic downturn but i see no sign of it....fed has squeezed crap out of inflation, jobs are so plentiful immigrants are doin them everywhere you look and the stock market remains the single largest casino on the planet yet still viable place to grow money if you play game with least house odds advantage....simplistic for sure but if Trump is elected we will all know AI stole it ha!....he is not just a narcissist but insane, pure and simple. He rightly identified bureaucracy as major threat but proved himself sooooooo much greater one. Not certain if in next year we pulled a stock market crash Biden STILL wouldn't win. But there is no crash coming. Adults are in charge.

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